

Seven Reasons to learn a Ukulele

Seven Reasons to learn a Ukulele

By November 14, 2016 | Category_Buying Guide Category_Tips & Guides community easy fun hobby instrument kala portable Ukulele

When planning to learn to play a musical instrument, most folks tend to start from fairly easy ones, although mastering a certain instrument takes a lot of practice and dedication. The most common instruments chosen are drums, keyboards, Cajón, and good old guitars! However, many people are unaware of the...

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Quick Guide to Active vs Passive PA Speakers

By Kailash Pate May 16, 2016 | Category_Buying Guide Category_Tips & Guides>Live Sound

When you’re beginning to start up your own band, or improving the domestic sound system of your house or struggling to buy new sound systems for professional work i.e. for auditoriums or stage setups, the confusions and doubts regarding what kind of PA speakers are to be taught, will always...

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Buying Guide to Studio Monitors

Buying Guide to Studio Monitors

By Kailash Pate May 11, 2016 | Category_Buying Guide Category_Reviews>Recording Gear

The biggest of musicians and producers will agree on one thing: The most important gear component that determines how you or your mixes will sound is your reference/monitoring system. The better your monitors are, the more clarity you will achieve in your sound and your mixes. Your set of monitors...

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Difference between KRK Rokit 5 G3 & KRK Rokit 6 G3

By May 05, 2016 | Category_Buying Guide Category_Tips & Guides>Recording Gear

KRK Systems is one of the world’s most respected manufacturers of studio reference speakers and monitors. In their state of the art design facility, KRK engineers create products that deliver natural and balanced spectral response with low distortion and superior imaging. KRK Studio Monitors have been the professional’s choice of...

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#BAJAAOTechWeek: How to set up your own recording studio

By March 04, 2016 | Category_Buying Guide Category_Tips & Guides

We all have a ton of musical ideas that we want to write down as soon as they come to mind. Humming the idea on a phone recorder and making sense of it later doesn’t always work out! For musicians who constantly want to make music and put it out...

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Bajaao Recommends - Stagg Music

Bajaao Recommends - Stagg Music

By June 16, 2015 | Buying Guide Category_Buying Guide Guitars Stagg

Stagg products are made for precision, established in 1995; Stagg is dedicated to bring the high quality musical instruments and accessories to the entire musician catering to all types, at the most affordable price. Right from brass and woodwind to basses and guitars, with drums and cymbals to keyboards and...

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